1. Porn: there are loads of online sexperts providing an excellent hand-y job in this area already.
2. Personal porn: you can have a ball of a time elsewhere ogling at female bloggers slash model slash actress slash race queen providing revealing selfies. No need for this nerd to pimp himself.
3. Food porn: I don't own a DSLR nor do I get to eat for free. iEat, iBurp, iShit.
4. Word porn: I find scolding jerks using vulgarities or genitalia a lazy cop-out. There are far more flowery words to choose to insult someone with greater effect.
5. Social porn: no inspirational quotes or funny pics circulated ad nauseam here. Your Facebook feeds should have all the latest gossip.
Lastly, no racial, religious or political shit. I like my readers to have a good time here. The world is depressing enough.
I've thought long and hard on how to promote my humour blog. One way is to get someone famous to plug it and it will go viral. Perhaps I can be famous myself and promote my blog! But then again, if I'm famous, then I don't need to promote it so much and I can just write for leisure like what I'm doing now...which means I've already reached my goal!
I've thought long and hard on how to promote my humour blog. One way is to get someone famous to plug it and it will go viral. Perhaps I can be famous myself and promote my blog! But then again, if I'm famous, then I don't need to promote it so much and I can just write for leisure like what I'm doing now...which means I've already reached my goal!
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